I've been playing Castle Age on Facebook for quite a time, now. What draws me back to the game after about 6 months ignoring it is the feature for fighting big, badass monsters together with other players. For some reason, I really like it when we have to fight abnormally hugantic enemies, let it be by yourself (God of War series, Dante's Inferno) or together with a band of people with the same objectives. This feature, as far as I've noticed, has not been found in any other Facebook games. And so, I even went as far to adding strangers from the official site to my army in order to supply me with a constant, fresh feedbacks (armies, gifts, monsters to fight, Elite Guards etc), since my friends, like most Indonesian Facebookers, don't usually play one Facebook game for that long. A few of them who actually played a game for a long time played Mafia Wars, so, do I have a choice?
By the way, to keep your profile clean from strangers, you can remove them from your friend list after adding then to the game. This way, you can retain your army members even after that person is no longer in your friend list.
Oh, and I noticed that some photos in this blog are missing. Lesson learned: Use an image uploading site.(Photobucket etc). Do not use randomly Googled images.